joi, 5 ianuarie 2012

The most Crazy Buildings of the World!!! [[4]]

                         Office center “1000″ a.k.a. Banknote (Kaunas, Lithuania)

 Despite what you might think this amazing building is not a temporal installation. The image of the LTL 1000 banknote is brought onto this building using special enamel paint. Money theme well represents various businesses located in this spectacular building.  It’s an office center located in the second biggest city in Lithuania.By the way, banknote dates back to 1925. However it’s not used nowadays.


Blur Building (Yverdon-les-Bainz, Switzerland)

 Seven years passed from expo 2002 but this building is still one of my favorites. It’s probably the mist that makes it so unusual and amazing at the same time. So called ‘blur pavilion’ with self generated mist was meant to give an impression that the building is floating above the water without any structural support. And indeed it looks just like that.


                              Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles, California, USA)

 Walt Disney Concert Hall is designed to be one of the most acoustically sophisticated concert halls in the world providing an unparalleled musical experience.
The project was launched in 1987 and completed in 2003.You can read more about this amazing building on wiki and Los Angeles Philharmonic homepage.


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